Well, I think it's about time for me to buy a few Creo songs...
Well, I think it's about time for me to buy a few Creo songs...
If the sound design were better, this would be better than djN's ToE 3 because it's a ton more original.
Not bad! Definitely try to use more sub bass in the future though, it really fills out a EDM production ;)
Initial Impression: "Is there any reverb in this whole song???"
So I have a few tips.
1. Buy Serum. It is $189 last I checked, but it is *definitely* worth the price. This will improve any song that you make by 100%. There will be an obvious difference.
2. Buy any respectable DAW. LMMS is okay, but I recommend FL (which is pretty cheap, maybe $100?). I use Cubase 9.
3. Maybe use effects? Effects are typically what brings a piece together. A song without effects never sounds as good. This includes reverb, EQ (Turn down those high frequencies holy cow), echo, OTT (<3 this is the best), Chorus effects, etc.
It is a good song, but the sounds are questionable and there aren't any actual effects... If it were remastered I would enjoy it much, much more.
I have both LMMS 1.2.0-rc2 and FL Studio Mobile 3.1.36. I am trying to transition back into FL Studio and stray away from LMMS. Most of my songs made with FL Studio sound better than those made with LMMS.
Not bad! I like the panning things you did. However, this song isn't really building up to anything and if it is, the dynamics don't really reflect it. Perhaps add some buildup effects and some other effects other than pan on your individual and master tracks?
Other than that, this is great! :)
I love this so much! My only suggestion is to make the ending less abrupt. :)
Good job overall, hope to see more from you in the future!
This is awesome for a first song! Here are a few musical tips:
1. Potentially keep the music in the same key signature? The drop switches what I believe seems to be F major before the drop to E major after the drop. If this is *intentional*, then I would definitely suggest having some sort of buildup that introduces the listener to the new key signature.
2. As the other reviewer (the only one at the time of this review) noted, this could really do with some more instruments. I would love to hear some pads or some strings.
3. Some notes sound better than others when mixed with other chords. In each time signature, there is an associated pentatonic scale: in your song, this would be F (low) G A C D F (high). Typically, these notes are good for melodies.
Overall it's a good start! Can't wait to hear some more from you— hopefully soon with the full version of FL Studio :)
Thanks for feedback! The key signature switch wasn't intentional btw, and yes, i do need to use more instruments. luckily im just about to release a new song in a few minutes that i just finished, and it has more instruments.
oh and im getting Fl Studio Full Version on Chrismas, so then i'll be able to save stuff and work on bigger projects,
because I'm GTarded
college student
Joined on 3/25/16